
What’s in President Biden’s Renters Bill of Rights

President Biden proposed a Renter’s Bill of Rights to grant renters more legal protections. It is not currently the law of the land but could impact future real estate investments. The proposed bill has five principal objectives. Objective 1: Provide Renters Access to Safe, Quality, Accessible, and Affordable Housing The

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How the Proposed Renters Bill of Rights Could Impact Investors

Affordable housing has become a buzzword in Washington. The battle cry includes more control over rents private landlords charge, eviction restrictions, less discrimination, and increased oversight of rental markets. All that proposed oversight generally translates into fewer protections and higher operating costs for property owners. But before concluding that real

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How to Trade-In Your Airbnb Without Getting Out of Real Estate

The last three years were a gold mine for investors in short-term rentals. Lenders approved loans based on projected revenue, and Airbnb and other intermediaries connected property owners with vacationers and remote workers, providing insatiable demand to fuel profits. In 2020 and 2021, demand for second homes surged due to

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